In NYS I got an unsafe acceleration stop with my Imperial. I blasted away from an intersection in my town after turning and did not notice the unmarked car (little Chevy
Malibu) behind me. I left him sitting still, did not get a ticket for speed as I did not exceed the speed limit , nor did I fish tail, or burn rubber as I was already rolling, and wanted to hit the secondarys on my ThermoQuad. Makes a huge sound when winding
up as most all know. I told him that there was no such law in NYS for unsafe acceleration, unsafe start yes, but unsafe acceleration no. I had three other patrols scream up in marked cars after I was stopped to “box” me in, as they must have thought I was
going to try a high speed evade with my 40 plus year old 5500 lb car. 300 related content follows, Don Varity rebuilt my J transmission, and also my 73 Duster transmission. I have not yet had a chance to test my J, but the Duster is very happy with his rebuild. Had a
problem with it short shifting and then run away revs on manual shifting , Don tracked it down to the fact that someone had drilled holes in the separator plate and modified the valve body. What amazed me was that Don knew that by just inspection, How many
so called transmission “experts” would know to look at the brain of the transmission, but he did. This is another reason for you to attend the upcoming 300 spring meet in Geneva NY as Don Verity is hosting a seminar on transmissions right in our hotel on Thursday night.
You can visit the legend himself in person. I think all autographs are free, the seminar is free as well, so register today for Fins in the Finger Lakes!
Jamie Hyde 585-465-0067 cell/text __._,_.___
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