Good morning. Sorry if I come across as negative, but this frustrates me. I will make one more effort to make my point with you, because I do greatly respect
the membership, and want you to understand (if not agree with) my perspective. Modern Car Forums do not inundate members with every email sent by every member, for good reason. Even if the 300 Club has much lower traffic than most of
these user groups, there are still many exchanges per day that a significant contingent of us would opt out of if they could narrow the focus of what they see. The general migration from the “list server” environment has occurred for that reason. You go
to it, not the other way around. I wish all aspects of what is exchanged currently via email was cataloged in such a way that these “threads” could be discussed, monitored, searched and accessed
in a logical fashion. This is the strength of forums which design an interface for the users that accomplishes these goals. Here is an example, if you could give it a quick glance, perhaps my point would better resonate: . This is much more involved than what we would need, but the structure is applicable. We could have a far superior organizational gathering point. When I joined the group, and initially questioned the “everybody gets everything” approach, I had many positive (private) replies supporting me. However, I
was also warned that the group was not open to change, and that has become quite apparent. The old “just hit the delete button” comment tells me that much of the member population is used to putting up with unwanted content in their inbox, and doesn’t want
it (or understand that they could have it) any other way. To me, that is a puzzling choice. Of course, my opinion is colored by experience with other (extraordinary) forums. But, in the meantime, I am either lazy, a scold, or a general malcontent who has ideas that are unsuitable. I truly enjoy many of the stories and exchanges
even if they don’t pertain to my K. They just shouldn’t all land on my doorstep, rather I should be able to seek them out as I have the time, and inclination to do so. This is how most user forums survive and thrive. They also build a database of knowledge
that is invaluable, and can outlive us all, for the good of the hobby. Perhaps I will just pack up my tent and leave (applause). I am sure I won’t be the first to do so, wondering why the group comports itself in such a fashion.
I just hate the see the vast knowledge base relegated to such a clunky (IMHO) distribution approach. Peace- Hugh Baldus 260.424.2366 From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Keith Boonstra kboonstra@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] I don't personally mind if we see some ads on the forum such as we do from Mr. Schwandt, as long as they are not so numerous as to be an annoying load on the Inbox. Deleting is quick. But I would like to suggest that the link to our Club
website For Sale page be noted down in the bottom block of all of the forum posts. It would make it a convenient and quick one-click ride for those looking to buy or sell parts. Like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To visit the Chysler 300 Club Intl. "For Sale" page go to To send a message to this group, send an email to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was amazed - as a rare visitor to the page - by how few ads (22!) there are on the page. So maybe providing the link will make it a more popular place to use for the sharing of our parts. Keith Boonstra - On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 6:37 PM,
cbilter@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: To all: most members are aware of this, but as a reminder we do have a classified ad section for parts on the website that the whole world can see (for broad exposure), and photos can be included as well __._,_.___
Posted by: Hugh Baldus <Hugh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to For list server instructions, go to For archives go to __,_._,___
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