On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:09 AM, dverity@xxxxxxxxxxx<dverity@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi Charlie,The new ones are much better than the old one piece bushings. The one piece bushings tend to split very quickly, especially with the cheap materials they are made out of today.DonSent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:55 PMSubject: [Chrysler300] Strut Rod BushingsHi everyone,
I have a question on replacing the Strut Rod Bushings.
New replacement bushing have the rubber in two pieces.
The original are one piece.
Are the 2 piece bushings " New and Improved " ? Or are the original one piece bushing better ?
I have both kinds and just wondering which ones to put in the " G ".
Charlie Valentine
Posted by: Charlie V <cv300g@xxxxxxxxx>
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