On Sunday, July 10, 2016, 10:11 AM, mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx <mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Tony,Just one more comment and then I'll shut up for a while. Your description of your HVAC system indeed indicates that there is a problem in the refrigeration cycle system, but I can't help but think that SOME of your issue might be from heat being added to your cool air stream by a malfunction also in your heater system. I'm not familiar with your heater-----some systems admit heat to the cabin by controlling hot water flow into the heater core while others have hot water in the core all of the time, but prevent hot air from entering the duct by closing an internal air vent. You should maybe explore your heater's function while studying you problem. I think your heat is controlled by hot water flow regulation as it is in my '55 C300. In my '65 Barracuda it is strictly air ventilation control-----the heater core always has water flowing through and the old vent seals no longer are fully effective resulting in some hot air leakage into the cabin-------not good in hot weather, especially since I don't have ac. Maybe you have a bad hot water regulator valve.Marshall
---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Tony Rinaldi awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx" <mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: <1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx>, <dverity@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <kboonstra@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <jkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Problem With Converting To 134A
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 09:39:21 -0400Hi To All My Cool Friends,
"NO flow implies a compressor problem (valve issue maybe) and FREE flow
implies an expansion valve staying too open†MG
Classic Air and the mechanic agree with Marshall in that it either has to be
the expansion valve or compressor. Already replaced the expansion valve once
with NOS because the system would not cool enough on initial charge.
After this initial replacement, we got great cooling but after a period it
stops not to restart until the car sits overnight then on cold start up it
cools great again but eventually stops. BTW, The cooling did not effectively
start until they increased the charge from 2.5 to 4 lbs.
"An intermittant action has a high probability of being ice.â€
I would think that if it was an ice block, running at highway speeds with
system off for 15 minutes should cause thawing thus allowing it to cool
again when turned on. Doesn’t start cooling again until the car sits
"Expansion Valve doesn't shut off the flow, it really turns off the clutch,
to stop it.â€
There is no connection to the compressor blue wire thru the expansion valve.
It has a bulb sensing evaporator temperature and opens and closes
Compressor clutch is controlled by temperature switch with a bulb sensing
evaporator temperature instead of EPR pressure valve. I thought the previous
statement "It actually allows passage at a given temp and STOPS it at a
lower temp†was correct.
AND hoping the expansion valve is defective and shuts down after a period?
by mis-sensing the temperature at the bulb next to the evaporator.
Hopefully, a new expansion valve will fix the problem.
"What is a filter bulb ?"
See photo below (A ’62 set up in my ‘60): 300 group will not see this.
If it isn’t the expansion valve, then the damn compressor has to go back to
Classic Air under guarantee.
They also are talking about having the evaporator sent to them and building
a more modern expansion valve into it.
Will have the system pulled down under vacuum overnight.
Drier is newly renewed as well as the 2 filter bulbs to and from the
compressor. The compressor was rebuilt.
Generally the high pressures are good with the low pressures not being as
low as they would like.
There are no leaks. There is UV dye in system. No problems.
Hopefully the replacement of the expansion valve, vacuum down will occur
Monday night and recharge on Tuesday.
Thank you,
From: "mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx" <mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, Jul 9, 16 at Sat, Jul 9 - 8:48 PM
To: Anthony Rinaldi <awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ray Jones <1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx>, <dverity@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Keith Boonstra
<kboonstra@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Anthony Rinaldi <awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx>, Chrysler 300
Club <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Problem With Converting To 134A
If you're not finding a cold spot somewhere in the system that can only mean
that you have either NO flow of refrigerant or else FREE flow. NO flow
implies a compressor problem (valve issue maybe) and FREE flow implies an
expansion valve staying too open. In either case the problem should be
immediately noticed by reading pressures on the HIGH side and LOW side.
Hasn't someone checked pressures yet?
---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Tony Rinaldi awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]"
To: Ray Jones <1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx>, <dverity@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Cc: Tony Rinaldi <awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx>, Chrysler 300 Club
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Problem With Converting To 134A
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2016 23:59:44 +0000 (UTC)
Hi Guys,
Now that we have that all straightened out.
I will insist for an overnight vacuum pull down to minimize any moisture.
My receiver/dryer is newly rebuilt by Classic Air.
I have been told that we need to put another expansion valve and that my
symptoms can be caused by a bad unit.
Ray just stated:
"This is the cold LOW pressure liquid, going thru the expansion valve where
it starts to become a gas again. This valve mostly regulates the amount of
flow which regulates temps. It actually allows passage at a given temp and
STOPS it at a lower temp.
First: I get great cooling inside the cabin from a cold start.
The line that empties the evaporator, after it is fed thru the expansion
valve and the evaporator, is cold as is the filter bulb that feeds the
condensor. This line becomes hot and the cooling stops after 10 minutes.
Second: I get great cooling at highway speeds, pull off to check the
temperatures and the cooling stops and never returns even after shutting off
the A/C for 10-15 minutes and turning it back on.
Compressor is engaged. There is no visible frost.
Compressor is controlled by a temperature controlled switch that shuts the
compressor off if evaporator coil freezes.
Soon, if everything works extremely well then it craps out without any
visible freezing.
Does anyone think that we are on the right track and it sounds like a bad
expansion valve?
Also, it works better with 4 lbs. of 134A than with the recommended 2.5 lbs.
which is 70-80% of normal? 3 lbs.
Does that reinforce a bad expansion valve.
PS I heard that you guys have enough R-12 to carry you thru until Y3K. ðŸ˜â„
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On Saturday, July 9, 2016, 6:54 PM, dverity@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
<Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I hate to say it Keith, but you got some wrong too. The compressor takes the
> low pressure gas from the evaporator and turns it into a high pressure gas.
> The compressor cannot compress liquid any more than an engine can. The high
> pressure gas “condenses‡ in the condenser and becomes the high pressure
> liquid. When it hits the expansion valve, it goes to a low pressure, low temp
> liquid and is evaporated into a low pressure gas by the air flow over the
> evaporator. It then goes back to the compressor and the cycle starts all over.
> High side is hot, and low side is cold. Any cold on the high side means a
> restriction.
> Don, with an equally cold 66 Imperial.
> From: mailto:Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 5:35 PM
> To: Ray Jones
> Cc: Tony Rinaldi ; Chrysler 300 Club
> Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Problem With Converting To 134A
> Hate to say it Ray, but you got most of that A/C info backwards. You might
> want to check out a tutorial like this one:
> http://www.airconcars.com/html/how_it_works.html
> The compressor actually turns the gas into a pressurized hot liquid. The
> liquid goes through the condenser coils up by the radiator where it partially
> cools off. This is normally referred to as the "high side". Then it flows to
> the expansion valve just before the evaporator coils. The high pressure of
> that liquid is released at the expansion valve, turning it to a very cold gas
> there and becoming the "low side". This makes the coils cold and they absorb
> heat from the air passing through them. The low-side gas, which is still quite
> cold, then returns from the evaporator to the compressor to be compressed in
> to liquid state again.
> One part you did get right is the critical importance of system evacuation
> before charging with freon. Because low pressure cause liquids to turn to gas,
> when you vacuum the system for several hours it causes the contaminating
> liquids, including water and oils, to boil into a gaseous state and be drawn
> out by the vacuum pump, and thereby cleansing the system before freon
> charging.
> And one final tip: If you can't or don't want to buy a new receiver/drier
> (which is your A/C system's garbage can) it is possible to "rejuvenate" your
> old one. Use an old toaster oven - which you probably keep around anyway to
> bake paint on small parts. Take it out into the garage or outdoors and bake
> the receiver/drier in it at 400 degrees for a couple of hours. It may stink to
> the high heavens, but that process will boil out whatever garbage is in there
> - same as turning on your self-cleaning oven. Give it a new coat of paint,
> bake it again at 250 for 15 minutes, and it will look and perform like a brand
> new champ again.
> Keith Boonstra
> Freezin' a can of beer in front of my '57 A/C
> On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Ray Jones 1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
> <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Tony;
>> The problem with replacing the Expansion Valve is that you probably are not
>> curing a problem.
>> The Compressor squeezes the liquid into a gas, making it very cold.
>> That's why the line from the Compressor is cold and usually sweating.
>> The Expansion Valve's job is to reduce the gas to a liquid, via a small
>> orifice.
>> As the liquid goes thru the evaporator, it absorbs heat and turns back into a
>> gas,
>> then to the Condenser, where it sheds a lot of the heat, back to the
>> Compressor, and so on.
>> That's why going into the Evaporator the line is cold and coming out it is
>> hot.
>> If there is moisture in the system it will form a ice ball in the orifice and
>> block the system.
>> Later it will melt and operate for a while, until it clogs again.
>> Key here is proper evacuation. Even that is problematical if the
>> Receiver-dryer is loaded with moisture, it's job.
>> If you haven't replaced the Receiver-dryer, do it while you have the system
>> down this time.
>> There could be blockage or excessive moisture there.
>> Be sure to add any needed A/C oil, the new Receiver-dryer will require some.
>> You also mentioned blowing out the Evaporator, high pressure air going into
>> here is a bad thing.
>> Air/moisture can be in lots of places inside here and not be removed with a
>> light Evacuation.
>> I would suggest you have it Evacuated for at least several hours to be sure
>> it is fully purged.
>> You want near 25" of vacuum, won't get there, but closer the better.
>> Then let it sit overnight and see what the Vacuum is in the morning, before
>> charging.
>> Extra work, but with the constant problem you have, might as well overdo and
>> be sure.
>> God luck, Ray
>> p.s.: we're sending our heat wave to you, enjoy...
>> On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 8:00 AM, Tony Rinaldi awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
>> <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> My system is a 1962 installed into my 1960 300-F.
>>> A mechanic tried to convert to 134A without taking the EPR valve out of the
>>> compressor. It worked great but would freeze up the evaporator and stop
>>> working.
>>> Sent everything to Classic Air for rebuild and conversion. Their temperature
>>> switch makes and breaks power to the compressor blue wire if there is a
>>> freeze up. This replaces the function of the EPR pressure valve to cycle the
>>> compressor.
>>> The evaporator is open and was blown out with compressed air.
>>> System was charged and was not cold.
>>> Classic Air said it was a bad expansion valve. Replaced it and no
>>> difference.
>>> They said to charge the system with 134A at 80% of normal pressure. So they
>>> went down to 2.5 from 3 lbs.
>>> Problem is that the filter housing on the top of the condenser gets cold but
>>> the line does not get cold where it enters the evaporator.
>>> They put 4 lbs. in and I got 59 ° at the vents on the highway.
>>> Pull off to the side of the road, with engine running, to see it working
>>> well and the cooling stops. Nothing frosting up.
>>> Go back on the road and the cooling does not come back.
>>> Waiting for another expansion valve and on/off switch to be delivered.
>>> Will be replacing both once they come in.
>>> Any insight about where we are now?
>>> Thank you, in advance, for any help or suggestions.
>>> Tony
>> --
>> Ray Jones. Y'all come on down an see us. Ya hear?
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