I remember the story Uncle Tom told about driving a new Imperial from NYC to Miami, and making the return trip in an MG TD(?) . He said he had arrived at his destination in the MG refreshed and alert, The Imperial though he said was like stepping into an airliner and was so comfortable that he was fighting off sleep the entire trip, thus making him tired and worn out at the end of the ride. The MG though was stiff with a harsh ride and he was always wide awake. As a young teenager without so much as a drivers license, I wondered about that, but Hey! Uncle Tom must know. Mike Moore On Apr 29, 2016, at 6:51 AM, 'Don Warnaar' 300country@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is information about the various magazine columnists back when.
"Gus and the Model Garage" was in Popular Science. It featured a
character named Gus Wilson who would solve some mysterious car problem through
various clues.
"Smokey Says..." was a column also in Popular Science and it gave opinions
expressed by Smokey Yunick.
And of course, there was good old Tom McCahill in Mechanix
Illustrated. He wrote his colorful reports of new cars and had a column,
"Mail for McCahill", in which he answered readers' questions.
Don Warnaar __._,_.___
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