Re: [Chrysler300] 300 D Trunk,need picture of!
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Re: [Chrysler300] 300 D Trunk,need picture of!
- From: "William Huff czbill@xxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 23:37:01 -0500
I would also appreciate seeing any pics that are available.
Bill Huff
At 03:23 PM 11/2/2014, RONALD KRAUTH rakrauth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Chrysler300] wrote:
Greetings "300" gang.
Have a 300D, under restoration, looked in the trunk!! messy and no idea
what it should look like.
Anyone out there have a picture or description of the Boot!? Thanks,
Posted by: William Huff <czbill@xxxxxxxxxx>
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