Re: [Chrysler300] Tires
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Re: [Chrysler300] Tires
- From: John Holst <jholst@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:47:14 -0500
The following was found in the recent copy of Hagerty
Classic Car Magazine:
John Holst, 1964 K Iowa (just had it's 50th Birthday!)
Q: I have some original tires mounted on original wheels
from a 1974 Pantera. The tires were made specifically for the car so I
would like to keep them to use at car shows once or twice a year. How
should I store them in the meantime? Inflated or deflated, standing
upright or laying flat, UV protection,
A: Don?t store them as if they were
on the car; store them lying flat. Put something beneath and between them
like heavy cardboard. You can keep them at normal air pressure, but check
them before fitting them onto the car for the shows since tires lose air
slowly. You can use Armor All on the tire sidewalls (both sides) to help
keep the oxygen in the atmosphere from getting to them.
But remember, any tires seven years
or older are not safe to be used for driving, and can let down or blow
out at any time. You're wise to treat them in this manner.
At 12:12 PM 3/20/2014, you wrote:
Hello, everyone:
I enjoyed the recent correspondence on tires for ours cars. After reading
through this, a question came to mind since these tires could be on some
of these cars for years (mine included). What are the signs one needs to
look for the to determine if a tire has outlived its useful life and
could fail? I was told some time ago small cracks in the sidewall was
something to look for.
Ron Kurtz
E #292
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