Bob, I limit my searches by adding a "-" and then listing
the items I do not want to see. For example, my search for 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
and 61 Chryslers will come up, however, it will not show any items with
"buck", "topaz", "kit" and "intake". You
could limit it much more by using the "-" and adding wheels, headers,
pictures, etc. Here is my listing limitations: Chrysler (1956, 56, '56, 1957,57,'57, 58, 1958, 59, 1959, 60,
1960, 61, 1961) -buck -topaz -kit -intake Tom Cox From:
Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of paul On 2/20/2014 7:42 PM, Mark Lindahl wrote: __._,_.___
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