Hello, When I send out our meet announcements to different magazines and ask them to publish the announcement I also ask if they would be interested in receiving a 300 related story or article from one of our members. Today Ted Kade, the Editor of Auto Restorer magazine (a contact from Jim Krausmann) said he would be interested in such an article. If you have interest in preparing an article that would meet Ted’s requirements please read through the emails below. I don’t know whether there will be much interest in this but probably it would be most efficient to respond back to the entire Club. Thanks, Carlton Thanks Ted, I will follow up on your offer and hopefully find a member who would like that opportunity. Timing for this meet may be a problem on this end too, but if we find a willing member the article could be for our Fall meet. Thanks again, Carlton Hello Carlton, Good to hear from you. If a member would like to write up something about his car, why he wanted a 300, how he got it, what restoration work needed to be done, how he uses it, plans for the future, details about the car, etc. and include several high-resolution images, we could run that to promo your upcoming meet. The problem is timing. To make the May issue, I’d need the materials on or about March 5. We could go for June, which would come out two or three weeks before your meet, which would require materials on or about April 2. Just a thought. Either way I’ll put your notice in the Events calendar. Ted Kade 3 Burroughs, Irvine, CA 92618 Hi Ted, I hope all is well with you. This year our Club Spring meet is in Mystic, Connecticut. If possible, we would appreciate you mentioning our meet in your magazine, using either the full announcement below, or key information if you have space limitations. Thanks for your support in the past and to Auto Restorer Magazine for promoting our Club meets and for your interest in the Chrysler 300’s. Also, we have many members always willing to share stories and information about their 300’s, so if you ever want a Chrysler 300 car or member story or car pictures, I would be glad to help with that. Thanks again, Carlton Carlton Schroeder Eagle River, WI 715-272-1837 Information for the Spring 2014 Chrysler 300 International Club Meet The Chrysler 300 Club International, Inc will hold its 44rd Annual Spring Meet in Mystic, Connecticut, Wednesday June 11 - Saturday June 14, 2014. The Club is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of Chrysler 300 Letter Series automobiles. The Beautiful Brutes, as they are often called, were built from 1955 through 1965. Also included is the 1970 300 Hurst. The Club was founded in 1970 and now has about 900 members throughout the world. The annual spring and fall meets often attract 100 or more members and 20 - 30 Chrysler 300 automobiles. This meet especially celebrates the 50 year anniversary of the 1964 Chrysler 300K. You are welcome to register and join in the Club activities or just visit with members and enjoy viewing their 300’s. For more information please visit http://www.chrysler300club.com/ and look under the Events section of the web site. You may also call or email our meet hosts Don & Pat Cole for more information at 508-378-2229, mr300k@xxxxxxxxx __._,_.___
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