Hi All, Thanks for all the great advice for the fuel starving problem on my '63 300 convertible with the newly rebuilt 413. My mechanic DID NOT change the fuel rod and I explained to him the comments that this should be done on all rebuilds to avoid the high speed fuel issue. The combined wealth of knowledge of the 300 club is amazing! I believe the fuel pump push rod was the problem. I got a new one at Auto Zone. The box reads 'Made in USA', $14.99 and it is listed as Airtex FP1021 Fuel Pump Push Rod. New one = 82mm (3.228 in) Old one = 76mm (2.992 in) One end of the old rod had a 'dimple' from the fuel pump and other end was worn with a curvature at the end from the cam. I checked the fuel filter in front of the electric pump, but that was clear. I replaced it anyway and kept the old one as a spare. There seemed to be ample fuel at the mechanical pump, so I believe there are no restrictions, but I will double check on that. The 300 ran strong, but I only drove it for about 10 minutes. I will need to bring the 300 on the highway at high speed to make sure it will get enough fuel. One other problem - when I was coming back and stopped suddenly, the car died, like it had no fuel. I will have to check on this issue. Perhaps a minor carburetor adjustment may be needed at idle now that the new rod is installed? 300ly, Mark Lindahl P.S. The magnet on the end of the telescoping rod was perfect for getting the old rod out. There was a burr on the worn end, so it does not just fall out. From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark Lindahl Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:22 PM To: 'Mark Souders' Cc: chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [Chrysler300] Hard Luck Award Nominee? Hi Mark, Yes, I remember someone mentioning the push rod. I had the engine rebuilt about two years ago, but I can't be sure if this was changed. So to check for the problem, get a new one and compare the length to the old one? I replaced the mechanical fuel pump just to make sure it was not leaking into the crankcase as I was driving home and hoping this would solve the issue. Dumb question, but here goes. Does the push rod just fall out? It seems like it was catching near the bottom of the opening. Does anyone know the nominal length of this push rod? Mark From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Chrysler300%40yahoogroups.com> [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Chrysler300%40yahoogroups.com> ] On Behalf Of Mark Souders Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:03 PM To: mplindahl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mplindahl%40sbcglobal.net> ; chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:chrysler300%40yahoogroups.com> Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Hard Luck Award Nominee? Mark, Sounds like a problem I had with my H a few years ago. The culprit was the fuel pump push rod. It was worn down to the point that it couldn't push the pump plunger enough to maintain fuel flow at speed. It was worn at the end that rides on the camshaft. I purchased a new push rod from my local Chrysler dealer, installed it, put on a new mechanical fuel pump, and it's been working fine ever since. Mark -----Original Message----- From: Mark Lindahl <mplindahl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mplindahl%40sbcglobal.net> <mailto:mplindahl%40sbcglobal.net> > To: chrysler300 <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:chrysler300%40yahoogroups.com> <mailto:chrysler300%40yahoogroups.com> > Sent: Wed, May 22, 2013 12:47 pm Subject: [Chrysler300] Hard Luck Award Nominee? Hi All, I met some new and familiar people on Monday night in St. Louis, just assing through on a business trip with my '63 300 convertible. Thanks for he hospitality! It was eventful! Monday afternoon - The 413 started gasping for fuel on the way down to St. ouis. I bought a new fuel pump, but did not install it. With the help of arl Bilter, Paul Holmgren and Noel Hastalis, we determined that it may be n electrical problem. I added some new premium fuel. Same problem, off nd on. A burst from the electric fuel pump seemed to help the situation or a little while. Tuesday morning -I had a terrible bumping noise coming from the 300. hanging the tire to the spare (left front) did not help. I had to limp the 00 to Highland, IL. The car was bumping all the way down the road and I ould not get more than about 30 MPH. I found a shop in Highland and he oticed the problem and changed the left rear tire. I had a separated belt ccur in the left rear tire. The tire, after the air was removed, looked ike a hard-boiled egg!! I had to drive home on a 20 year old spare (LR) nd not the same size as the rest. Tuesday afternoon - Power loss continues. I put in a new coil in loomington, IL thanks to Noel H for supplying it. Problem still ontinues. Electric pump keeps me going. Lexington, IL - purchased/installed a new condenser for distributor. This ame problem/fix occurred in the past with a '69 Chevy Bel Air. However, his time, problem continues. Dwight, IL - I changed the mechanical fuel pump in the parking lot of the APA at 5pm. It ran well for 15 minutes, then the problem continued and got orse. I had to hold the button on my electric fuel pump to keep the car unning. Finally, I had to hold the button all the way home, about 100 iles off and on!! The old fuel pump did not seem to be leaking any gas. I hecked the oil and it remained 1 quart low over the trip, so I did not hink there was a fuel leak in the mechanical pump that went into the oil an. The electric fuel pump (bought from John L) suggested a filter (which was nstalled last fall). I think the fuel filter may have got clogged up in ront of the electric pump??. The mechanical pump would not get the gas hrough the system, but the electric pump would keep the car going. So, for he last 50-100 miles, I had to keep the electric pump running manually! The only way to get gas thru was to force it using the electric fuel pump?? he only other thing I can think of is possibly the carburetor, AFB 3256 SA '63 New Yorker carb). I will change the pump filter (or eliminate it) and ee if the problem continues. I never had this problem even when I used a uel filter in front of the carb. What a day!! I lost a lot of friends on -55, especially the semi truck drivers! 300ly, Mark Lindahl '63 300 Convertible (safe in the garage, waiting for more repairs) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------------------ To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/join and select the "Leave Group" button For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/search.htm#querylangYahoo! 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