SV: [Chrysler300] A serious 55 Kelsey Hayes issue - brake failure
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SV: [Chrysler300] A serious 55 Kelsey Hayes issue - brake failure

The guys redoing the MC (Karps of N-CAL) actually told a story about the MC
and booster needing to be repaired/replaced in pairs, as there were more
than one version of the set up made back in 55 without any difference in
parts numbers. Mixing the booster of one style with the MC of another could
be critical?

Anyone familiar with that story?


Narve N


Fra: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] På
vegne av Narve Nordanger
Sendt: 18. august 2012 21:50
Til: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: VS: [Chrysler300] A serious 55 Kelsey Hayes issue - brake failure




thanks for your tip on checking the actuating rod length ? I probably just
put everything back together being rather merry that I managed to get the
cross-bolt with locking pin back in place while laying upside down
underneath the dash. Otherwise your description of atmospheric pressure
flowing back to the brake booster when pedal is released, is exactly the
thing that is not happening. 

I have frowned upon the car now for 10 days not wanting to touch it, but
might give it a try again next week. Will keep you all posted. 

Otherwise, anyone tried modern disc brakes on a 55? Or Ausco-Lambert for the
rarest of the rare touch?


29 Chrysler ? contemporary fabulous brakes

40 Chrysler ? contemporary good brakes

52 Chrysler ? contemporary acceptable brakes

55 Chrysler ? rubbish brakes

60 Chrysler ? rubbish brakes, but better than a 55

Fra: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <>
[mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <> ]
vegne av Rich Barber
Sendt: 12. august 2012 22:20
Til: 'Narve Nordanger'; Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: RE: [Chrysler300] A serious 55 Kelsey Hayes issue - brake failure


I know you are a thorough guy, but the clearance on the actuating rod from
the brake pedal to the back of the booster is critical. In theory,
retraction of the rod when the pedal is released should allow atmospheric
pressure to flow back into the vacuum side of the booster. If the pedal is
returned by spring pressure, it should retract the actuator rod.

There is a small check valve in the outlet of the master cylinder that is
designed to hold a small amount of residual pressure on the system in order
to exclude moist air. That small check valve may have been damaged or
improperly installed.

Other things to check include the check valve on the vacuum inlet line.

Progress was made over the years. The brake pedal in the '55 is now wide
enough to get both feet on it.

Rich Barber

Brentwood, CA

1955 C-300

From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <>
[mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <>
<> ]
Behalf Of Narve Nordanger
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 12:33 PM
To: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <>
Subject: [Chrysler300] A serious 55 Kelsey Hayes issue - brake failure


my C-300 has twice this summer had failure on its freshly overhauled brake
system. On both occasions the Kelsey Hayes master power brake appear to lock
up and not letting out the vacuum after I have released the brake pedal.
Brakes stayed locked until I split the master cylinder from the booster.
Anyone seen this before, any remedy?

Additional information: The lightest of touches on the brake pedal sucks it
in and make immediate contact on the shoes, making progressive braking a
difficulty. This was evident both with the old (original) and overhauled
(x-55 De Soto) K-H MC. Having just gone through the brakes on 29 Chrysler
one really wonders if there was any progress at all in the intervening 26

Narve N

C-300 in Norway

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