Great info - thanks! GEORGE W KOEHN 1003 Temple Grove Winter Park, Florida 32789 407-808-5265 To: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: hurst300@xxxxxxxxxx Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 14:45:31 -0500 Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Quick-Disconnect Battery Cable Marshall is absolutely right. If the ground is attached first, it's way too easy for the carless wrench tightening the positive cable to touch ground. But, the real reason is that a battery is a storage devise for stored energy. Electricity, the stored energy, is a strange critter, it always wants to work. So if you hook up the ground first, and one or more items in the car are on, then there will be a spark as the connector gets near the + terminal. The stored energy will "Leap" across the gap to go to work and supply the items that are on, with power. If the + terminal is hooked up, and you are attaching the -, ground, last, then the work is done and there will be no or very little spark. This really comes in play if you have run down the battery and there is hydrogen gas laying on top of the battery. A product of heavy discharge. This is also why you ALWAYS attach the + jumper cable first to the Battery and the - cable to a ground somewhere away from the battery. i had a battery blow up in my face and I knew better, but was in a hurry and careless. The watchband he tells about became the "work" since it connected the power to ground and the watchband, not being real work, created a short. A tiny light bulb is work as is a big starter motor, and the electric critter is happy dealing with them. Take the work out and just put the Positive to ground, and they call that electric welding. Or in the case above wrist burning. Ray On Jun 7, 2010, at 1:58 PM, mgoodknight@xxxxxxxx wrote: The reason you should disconnect the ground cable first, reconnect the "hot" cable last is so that you don't risk shorting your circuit with your wrench as you work with the "hot" cable. A short circuit with good conductors (low resistance) such as a half inch box wrench will get very hot very fast with 200+amps running through it-----makes you want to turn it loose real quick!!!!!!! Take heed of that hazard and always disconnect the ground cable when doing any kind of work on your car that might bring you in contact with a "hot" terminal, especially if you wear a watch, ring, necklace, bracelet, metal belt buckle, or maybe other hazards. A friend of mine ignored that rule and once got a severe burn on his left wrist from contacting the power-in lead terminal of the distributor with his watchband while the engine was running. HE LEARNED!!!! Not a complex scientific theorem. _________________________________________________________________ The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------------------ To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For list server instructions, go to For archives go to! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: Chrysler300-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chrysler300-fullfeatured@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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