May I commend John Lazenby on his excellent comments re halogen versus other
light options for our 300s.
I joined the 300 Club mainly to 1) get detail of my 300Cs, and 2) to get
some dollar medallions for my cars, of which I need 7. The medallions have
suddenly sold out, and I have not made time to send etchings oy my 3 data
plates - so so much for why I joined nearly a year ago - do I need to get my
act together better??!!.
Atop this, some of you may have guessed I am pretty burned up about DC using
the 300C designation on their new 'creation', and despite me months ago
asking the Club, I am pretty sure, they never officailly wrote as the Club,
'recognised protector of 300', to DC saying they/we dissaprove.
My membership is coming due soon, and I am/was thinking 'stuff the Club' if
they can't take something as 'basically 300' as just writing to DC, then I
do not wish to be associated with it formally. (I mean all I asked was
write formally - at least we would have tried, sought some acknowledgement)
And then along come all the great individual members (the Lazenbys, Gil
Cunningham, Grafens, etc, too many to mention) who take time to help with
all manner of '300 things', be it better lighting, salvage yard directories,
prior car ownership history, mechanical advice, etc..
So for now I intend renewing my membership when due, but if no formal letter
went to DC, the Club made a mistake. Here in Australia, Ford listened to
much of what no doubt many others than myself 'wore away' at them - and they
changed, once again built cars Ford owners, others, wanted - sales booming
If DC choses to ignore it's possibly most die hard, Chrysler devotees,
wishes, re their new 300C, then maybe Daimler have their own agenda. But if
they were never formally told, then we finally really only have ourselves to
You may think I am stupid/obssessed, but trust me, as a genuine AC Cobra
owner for 27 years, the public confusion about owning real 300Cs versus the
new pretender is only just starting - never mind (maybe today) no one knows
what a real 300C is, wait until they think what you own, are taliking about,
is this new thing. Do not comment now, wait a year or two, to see if I am
wrong !!
To all those sick of my comment re this issue, if I stay on as a member,
hopefully I will become more and more invisible in this space, as I quickly
move through the remaining usual 300C fobiles, pecularities.
As a final comment - how about the mailed Club magazine including some of
the mechanical tips/advice, not to mention maybe half page coverage of
member's cars, or 300 achievements, other relevant 300 stuff? At hgalf a
page, per topic, if include 4-6 per issue, not take up too much space, not
bore too much those who own different letter cars? The site is excellent,
but not everyone notes/keeps everything on the site, can find it when needed
even if they do?