Roger and all, First I don't think the "bulls eye" lights are better other than looking more time period. Bottom line everything back then compared to today's offerings is just terrible. There are 7" replacements for a car with a two headlight system and also 5 3/4" four headlight set ups. They simply bolt in and have replaceable bulbs. The look is somewhat different in that the lenses on these are more flat than round. A good number of street rod guys use them once again I guessfor looks to a degree, but more for performance. If you wish to upgrade the bulbs to higher output they are also available, but I don't think it is necessary as it will tax your electrical system more and they also produce more heat. If you are driving a competition car that is moving through the air the higher output is okay. In some cases heatwill actually crack the lenses. Also remember that competition cars electrical systems are designed to handle the extra load. Remember if you are going to drive your car go to the halogen units. If you are concerned about a show and correctness it is an easy change over donein just a matter of minutes. John Lazenby ----- Original Message ----- From: "Roger Schaaf" <obiwan10@xxxx> To: <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <dan300f@xxxx>; "Johnl" <john@xxxxxx> Cc: "Rick ROYZE" <royze@xxxx> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 1:42 PM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Lefty's "BRIGHT" idea > I too have a couple of newer autos(Jaguar and Lexus) with "HID" headlites > and I totally agree with you on their value. This however only makes it > worse for me when I drive my old Corvette or 300. > > The question that I ask and I am not sure that was answered in your very > informative missive, was what to install in my B(large seal beamed light) > and my Corvette(smaller dual light system) to at least get a somewhat step > up in lighting performance. > > Were the old "bulls eye" lights any better? At least they would look > somewhat appropriate in the B and look cool. Do not know how readily > available they are today however. > > Roger > 300 B Calif. > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Johnl" <john@xxxx> > To: <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <dan300f@xxxx> > Cc: "Rick ROYZE" <royze@xxxx> > Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 12:06 PM > Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Lefty's "BRIGHT" idea > > > Some further info regarding headlight replacements. First to qualify myself > I've been in this business for 33 years and have sold lighting for that > entire time period. > > There have been two versions of the sealed beam headlight. After the first > one was introduced there was one improvement made in about 1958. That > improvement actually raised the driving speed to 35 mph before you started > to over run your lights capabilities. The main reason that nothing went > further than that is major manufacturers in the USA didn't want to pay > royalties to the Europeans who had developed far better lighting to go with > the performance of their vehicles. Remember the Autobahn where there is no > speed limit, well a lot of technology came from areas just like that where > things such a lighting, braking and overall handling had to be better to > accommodate the higher driving speeds. In Larry Jetts original e-mail he > mentioned Hella. For those of you who are not familiar they are a very > large European company and do a good portion of the OE lighting for cars > from that part of the world. They also do lenses, so next time you look at > a German cars tail lights read the stamp on them and you will see HELLA. > They also supply the big three with some lighting in this country. > > Back in the 70's there was actually one state in the USA that went against > the Federal Government and would not enforce the sealed beam lamp only. The > reasoning for this was that state felt that it was such a "safety issue" > they were correct. Finally there was enough pressure put on the Feds that > they backed off. That is when you started to see rectangle lights and then > Halogen sealed beams being offered by the big three. The American light > manufactures were trying to by some time. > > Today sealed beams have become a thing of the past. Look at any new car and > you will see a much higher tec lighting system. Now you see the major USA > companies offering upgraded bulbs just for these application. I will grant > you see some companies bring not so great stuff in from the orient and I > personally don't recommend most of these. > > Also you see on primarily high end cars the (HID) High Intensity Discharge > lighting. I've owned a couple of cars with these and I can tell you they > are phenomenal in performance. One car we purchased had this as a $500 > option and I went for it when the car was ordered as I'm such a believer. > Currently it is the closest thing to natural sun light you can get and that > is what the human eye works best with. Trust me, drive a car with them and > you won't believe the difference. > > Now the issue of blinding on coming cars. If any of these lights are aimed > properly you won't have that problem. You will also find they are very easy > to align without a machine. All you need is a level area, a wall and about > 20 feet. A good quality halogen or HID light has very definite lines for > cut offs. In fact, some HID set ups actually have a self leveling within > about 5 seconds after they are turned on. Also they run on very high > voltage and will kill you if you put your hands in the wrong spot. Factory > cars with this option are clearly marked under the hood with a stern > warning. > > At this time I don't recommend purchasing any HID system for a car that > didn't come from the factory with it. There is an enormous amount of > engineering that goes into those systems. On the other had the halogen > (separate bulb) replacements are easy to install, aim and you will be amazed > and the performance and safety difference. > > I've run this type of lighting in my daily drivers for years and have never > been sited and have never blinded anyone either. Also I've even installed > this type of lighting in some of my collector cars that I drive a lot, > simply because my eyes aren't what they use to be and I want to be as safe > as possible for others and myself. > > John Lazenby > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <dan300f@xxxx> > To: <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:26 PM > Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Lefty's "BRIGHT" idea > > > Hi all: > > Not being approved by DOT does not surprise me, BUT, for which applications? > Apparently, if John Lazenby's company handles them, they are approved for > something. Why not adapt them for our uses. If aimed properly, they should > bother no one and provide additional lighting on our side of the road.. If > we use > them on our 300's, how many of us drive them at night on mountainous roads > anyway? Come to think of it, they would have come in handy in Montana when > there was no speed limit! Maybe we could not have out driven our > headlights. > > It took years for them to approve Halogen headlamps when they were in usein > Europe many years before we could use them. Now how many cars on the road > have them? > > By the way, I purchased some Halogen tail light bulbs for my 300F from John > and they make a BIG difference in the lights from the rear. > > Dan Reitz > Northridge, CA > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > To send a message to this group, send an email to: > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > For list server instructions, go to > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > To send a message to this group, send an email to: > Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > For list server instructions, go to > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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